Friday, May 31, 2013

1305.7094 (A. L. Kataev et al.)

NSVZ scheme with the higher derivative regularization for the N=1 SQED    [PDF]

A. L. Kataev, K. V. Stepanyantz
The exact NSVZ relation between a \beta-function of the N=1 SQED and an anomalous dimension of the matter superfields is studied within the Slavnov higher derivative regularization approach. It is shown that if the renormalization group functions are defined in terms of the bare coupling constant, this relation is always valid. However, this is true only for a concrete choice of Pauli-Villars masses, since the NSVZ relation can be changed by their rescaling, which depends on the bare coupling constant. Changing these masses and redefining the bare charge it is possible to get the coefficients of the renormalization group functions identical to the ones obtained within \bar{DR}-approach. In the renormalized theory the NSVZ relation can be obtained in the momentum subtractions scheme supplemented by a special finite renormalization. This finite renormalization is defined by the conditions Z_3(\alpha,\mu=\Lambda)=1 and Z(\alpha,\mu=\Lambda)=1 for the renormalization constants of the N=1 SQED, where \Lambda is the parameter in the higher derivative term. The results are verified by the explicit three-loop calculation. In this approximation we relate the \bar{DR} scheme and the NSVZ scheme defined within the higher derivative approach by the finite renormalization.
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