Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1305.3923 (T. Banks et al.)

No Firewalls in Holographic Space-Time or Matrix Theory    [PDF]

T. Banks, W. Fischler
We use the formalisms of Holographic Space-time (HST) and Matrix Theory[11] to investigate the claim of [1] that old black holes contain a firewall, i.e. an in-falling detector encounters highly excited states at a time much shorter than the light crossing time of the Schwarzschild radius. In both formalisms there is no dramatic change in particle physics inside the horizon until a time of order the Schwarzschild radius. The Matrix Theory formalism has been shown to give rise to an S-matrix, which coincides with effective supergravity for an infinite number of low energy amplitudes. We conclude that the firewall results from an inappropriate use of quantum effective field theory to describe fine details of localized events near a black hole horizon. In both HST and Matrix Theory, the real quantum gravity Hilbert space in a localized region contains many low energy degrees of freedom that are not captured in QU(antum) E(ffective) F(ield) T(heory) and omits many of the high energy DOF in QUEFT.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1305.3923

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