Wednesday, April 10, 2013

1304.1988 (Igor F. Herbut et al.)

Universal conductivity of graphene in the ultra-relativistic regime    [PDF]

Igor F. Herbut, Vieri Mastropietro
We calculate the zero temperature dc conductivity in graphene in the ultimate low-energy regime, when retardation effects of the electromagnetic interaction become important and when the full Lorentz symmetry emerges. In contrast to what happens with the short range or with the Coulomb long-range instantaneous interactions, the dc conductivity is now no longer equal to its non interacting value, but acquires universal corrections in powers of the fine structure constant. The coefficient of the first order correction is computed, and found to be of order one. We also present the result for the conductivity in the large-N limit, with $N$ as the number of Dirac fermions species, to the order $1/N^2$.
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