Monday, March 25, 2013

1303.5662 (Eric Bergshoeff et al.)

Dirac-Born-Infeld-Volkov-Akulov and Deformation of Supersymmetry    [PDF]

Eric Bergshoeff, Frederik Coomans, Renata Kallosh, C. S. Shahbazi, Antoine Van Proeyen
We deform the action and the supersymmetry transformations of the d=10 and d=4 Maxwell supermultiplets so that at each order of the deformation the theory has 16 Maxwell multiplet deformed supersymmetries as well as 16 Volkov-Akulov type non-linear supersymmetries. The result agrees with the expansion in the string tension of the explicit action of the Dirac-Born-Infeld model and its supersymmetries, extracted from D9 and D3 superbranes, respectively. The half-maximal Dirac-Born-Infeld models with 8 Maxwell supermultiplet deformed supersymmetries and 8 Volkov-Akulov type supersymmetries are described by a new class of d=6 vector branes related to chiral (2,0) supergravity, which we denote as `Vp-branes'. We use a space-filling V5 superbrane for the d=6 model and a V3 superbrane for the d=4 half-maximal Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) models. In this way we present a completion to all orders of the deformation of the Maxwell supermultiplets with maximal 16+16 supersymmetries in d=10 and 4, and half-maximal 8+8 supersymmetries in d=6 and 4.
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