Thursday, March 21, 2013

1303.4791 (Keith Copsey)

The instability of orientifolds and the end of the (string) landscape as
we know it

Keith Copsey
Negative mass brane-like objects known as orientifolds are crucial in the construction of all presently understood realistic string compactifications and I review in general the link between negative energy objects and the existence of a landscape of metastable vacua. While in string perturbation theory these solutions are non-dynamical, and hence avoid the usual instabilities of negative tension objects, beyond perturbation theory it is well known that one may lift orientifolds in M-theory to solutions well described by classical general relativity and which consequently may be distorted in a variety of ways. I review the failure of the usual positive energy theorems, as well as several supersymmetric stability arguments, in this context and demonstrate that one may smoothly distort the lifted orientifold, preserving the boundary conditions, into solutions of lower energy. I present significant (numerical) evidence that solutions with arbitrarily negative energy may be found among these distorted orientifolds. Consequently, I suggest that this instability is a fatal one and hence there is little reason to believe in the existence of a string theory landscape. I briefly comment on the implications for Type I string theory and string dualities.
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