Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1207.0401 (Hagen Kleinert et al.)

Vacuum pair-production in a classical electric field and an
electromagnetic wave

Hagen Kleinert, She-Sheng Xue
Using semiclassical WKB-methods, we calculate the rate of electron-positron pair-production from the vacuum in the presence of two external fields, a strong (space- or time-dependent) classical field and a monochromatic electromagnetic wave. We discuss the possible medium effects on the rate in the presence of thermal electrons, bosons, and neutral plasma of electrons and protons at a given temperature and chemical potential. Using our rate formula, we calculate the rate enhancement due to a laser beam, and discuss the possibility that a significant enhancement may appear in a plasma of electrons and protons with self-focusing properties.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1207.0401

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