Wednesday, January 23, 2013

1301.5092 (George Georgiou et al.)

Correlators of massive string states with conserved currents    [PDF]

George Georgiou, Bum-Hoon Lee, Chanyong Park
We calculate correlation functions of the $R$-current or the stress-energy tensor T_{\mu\nu} with two non-protected operators dual to massive string states with rotation in S^5, in the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Field theory Ward identities make predictions about the all-loop behaviour of these correlators. In particular, they restrict the fusion coefficient to be proportional to the R-charge of the operators or to their dimension, respectively, with certain coefficients of proportionality. We reproduce these predictions, at strong coupling, using string theory. Furthermore, we point out that the recently observed strong coupling factorisation of 4-point correlators is consistent with conformal symmetry and puts constraints on the strong coupling expressions of 4-point correlators involving R-currents or the stress-energy tensor.
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