Monday, December 24, 2012

1212.5319 (Ardian Nata Atmaja)

Holographic Brownian Motion in Two Dimensional Rotating Fluid    [PDF]

Ardian Nata Atmaja
The Brownian motion of a heavy quark under a rotating plasma corresponds to BTZ black hole is studied using holographic method from string theory. The heavy quark represented as the end of string at the boundary of BTZ black hole and the corresponding rotating plasma is two dimensional spacetime. The string fluctuation requires the angular velocity to be equal to the ratio between inner horizon and outer horizon, known as terminal velocity and also related to the zero total force condition. With this angular velocity, the string fluctuation solution has oscillatory modes in time and radial coordinates. We show the displacement square of this solution behaves as a Brownian particle in non-relativistic limit. For relativistic case, we argue that it is more appropriate to compute just the the leading order of low frequency limit of random-random force correlator. The Brownian motion relates this correlator with physical observables: mass of Brownian particle, friction coefficient and temperature of the plasma.
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