Monday, November 26, 2012

1211.5367 (Maxim Dvornikov et al.)

Canonical quantization, path integral representations, and
pseudoclassical description of massive Weyl neutrinos in external backgrounds

Maxim Dvornikov, D. M. Gitman
We study massive 1/2-spin particles in various external backgrounds keeping in mind applications to neutrino physics. We are mainly interested in massive Majorana (Weyl) fields. However, massive neutral Dirac particles have been also considered. We have formulated classical Lagrangian theory of the massive Weyl field in terms of Grassmann-odd two component spinors. Then we construct the Hamiltonian formulation of such a theory, which turns out to be a theory with second-class constraints. Using this formulation we canonically quantize the massive free Weyl field. We derive propagators of the Weyl field and relate them to the propagator of a massive Dirac particle. We also study the massive Weyl particles propagating in the background mater. We find the path integral representation for the propagator of such a field as well as the corresponding pseudoclassical particle action. The massless limit of the Weyl field interacting with the matter is considered and compared with results of other works. Finally, the path integral representation for the propagator of the neutral massive Dirac particle with an anomalous magnetic moment moving in the background matter and external electromagnetic field as well as the corresponding pseudoclassical particle action are constructed.
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