Monday, September 17, 2012

1209.3073 (M. S. Guimaraes et al.)

Massive photons and Dirac monopoles: electric condensate and magnetic

M. S. Guimaraes, R. Rougemont, C. Wotzasek, C. A. D. Zarro
We use the Julia-Toulouse approach (JTA) for condensation of charges and defects to argue that massive photons can coexist consistently with Dirac monopoles. The Proca theory is here obtained via JTA as a hydrodynamic effective theory describing an electric condensate and the mass of the vector boson is responsible for generating a Meissner effect which confines the magnetic defects in pairs of monopoles-antimonopoles connected by physical open magnetic vortices instead of unphysical Dirac branes. The issue of the charge quantization is intrinsically related to the construction of the so-called Dirac brane invariants, which correspond to the physical confining magnetic flux tubes.
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