Friday, September 7, 2012

1209.1251 (Suat Dengiz et al.)

Weyl-gauging of Topologically Massive Gravity    [PDF]

Suat Dengiz, Ercan Kilicarslan, Bayram Tekin
We construct a Weyl-invariant extension of topologically massive gravity which, remarkably, turns out to include topologically massive electrodynamics, with a Proca mass term, conformally coupled to a scalar field. The action has no dimensionful parameters, therefore, the masses are generated via symmetry breaking either radiatively in flat backgrounds or spontaneously in constant curvature backgrounds. The broken phase of the theory, generically, has a single massive spin-2 and a massive spin-1 excitation. Chiral gravity in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes does not arise as a low energy theory, while chiral gravity in de Sitter spacetime is not ruled out.
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