Thursday, August 30, 2012

1208.5994 (Marco Matone)

Extending the Belavin-Knizhnik "wonderful formula" by the
characterization of the Jacobian

Marco Matone
A long-standing question in string theory is to find the explicit expression of the bosonic measure, a crucial issue also in determining the superstring measure. Such a measure was known up to genus three. Belavin and Knizhnik conjectured an expression for genus four which has been recently proved in the framework of the recently introduced vector-valued Teichmueller modular forms. It turns out that for g>3 the bosonic measure is expressed in terms of such forms. In particular, the genus four Belavin-Knizhnik "wonderful formula" has a remarkable extension to arbitrary genus whose structure is deeply related to the characterization of the Jacobian locus. Furthermore, it turns out that the bosonic string measure has an elegant geometrical interpretation as generating the quadrics in P^{g-1} characterizing the Riemann surface. All this leads to identify forms on the Siegel upper half-space that, if certain conditions related to the characterization of the Jacobian are satisfied, express the bosonic measure as a multiresidue in the Siegel upper half-space. We also suggest that it may exist a super analog on the super Siegel half-space.
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