Monday, July 30, 2012

1112.4022 (V. P. Nair et al.)

Fluids, Anomalies and the Chiral Magnetic Effect: A Group-theoretic

V. P. Nair, Rashmi Ray, Shubho Roy
It is possible to formulate fluid dynamics in terms of group-valued variables. This is particularly suited to the cases where the fluid has nonabelian charges and is coupled to nonabelian gauge fields. We explore this formulation further in this paper. An action for a fluid of relativistic particles (with and without spin) is given in terms of the Lorentz and Poincare (or de Sitter) groups. Considering the case of particles with flavor symmetries, a general fluid action which also incorporates all flavor anomalies is given. The chiral magnetic and chiral vorticity effects as well as the consequences of the mixed gauge-gravity anomaly are discussed.
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