Carlos Alvarado, Alfredo Aranda, Olindo Corradini, Alma D. Rojas, Eli Santos-Rodriguez
Randall Sundrum models provide a possible explanation of (gauge-gravity) hierarchy, whereas discrete symmetry flavor groups yield a possible description of the texture of Standard Model fermion masses. We use both these ingredients to propose a five-dimensional extension of the Standard Model where the mass hierarchy of the four-dimensional effective field theory is obtained only using localizations parameters of order 1. We consider a bulk custodial gauge symmetry group together with an Abelian $Z_4$ group: the model turns out to yield a rather minimal extension of the SM as it only requires two brane Higgs fields to provide the desired Yukawa interactions and the required spontaneous symmetry breaking pattern. In fact, the presence of an extra-dimension allows the use of the Scherk-Schwarz mechanism to contribute to the breaking of the bulk custodial group down to the SM gauge symmetry. Moreover, no right-handed neutrinos are present and neutrino masses are generated radiatively with the help of a bulk charged scalar field that provides the Lepton-number violation. Using experimental inputs from the Global Neutrino Analysis and recent Daya Bay results, a numerical analysis is performed and allowed parameter regions are displayed.
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