Ryuichiro Kitano, Markus A. Luty, Yuichiro Nakai
We propose a framework for natural breaking of electroweak symmetry in supersymmetric models, where elementary Higgs fields are semi-perturbatively coupled to a strong superconformal sector. The Higgs VEVs break conformal symmetry in the strong sector at the TeV scale, and the strong sector in turn gives important contributions to the Higgs potential, giving rise to a kind of Higgs bootstrap. A Higgs with mass $125\GeV$ can be accommodated without any fine tuning. A Higgsino mass of order the Higgs mass is also dynamically generated in these models. The masses in the strong sector generically violate custodial symmetry, and a good precision electroweak fit requires tuning of order $\sim 10%$. The strong sector has an approximately supersymmetric spectrum of hadrons at the TeV scale that can be observed by looking for a peak in the $WZ$ invariant mass distribution, as well as final states containing multiple $W$, $Z$, and Higgs bosons. The models also generically predict large corrections (either enhancement or suppression) to the $h \to \ga\ga$ width.
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