Monday, June 18, 2012

1206.3535 (Walter Vinci et al.)

Spontaneous Magnetization through Non-Abelian Vortex Formation in
Rotating Dense Quark Matter

Walter Vinci, Mattia Cipriani, Muneto Nitta
When a color superconductor of high density QCD is rotating, super- fluid vortices are inevitably created along the rotation axis. In the color-flavor locked phase realized at the asymptotically large chemical potential, there appear non-Abelian vortices carrying both circulations of superfluid and color magnetic fluxes. A family of solutions has a degeneracy characterized by the Nambu-Goldtone modes CP2, associ- ated with the color-flavor locked symmetry spontaneously broken in the vicinity of the vortex. In this paper, we study electromagnetic coupling of the non-Abelian vortices and find that the degeneracy is removed with the induced effective potential. We obtain one stable vortex solu- tion and a family of metastable vortex solutions, both of which carry ordinary magnetic fluxes in addition to color magnetic fluxes. We dis- cuss quantum mechanical decay of the metastable vortices by quantum tunneling, and compare the effective potential with the other known po- tentials, the quantum mechanically induced potential and the potential induced by the strange quark mass.
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