Wednesday, June 13, 2012

1206.2480 (Dario Zappalà)

Enhancement of field renormalization in scalar theories via functional
renormalization group

Dario Zappalà
The flow equations of the Functional Renormalization Group are applied to the O(N)-symmetric scalar theory, for N=1 and N=4, to determine the effective potential and the renormalization function of the field in the broken phase. The flow equations of these quantities are derived from a reduction of the full flow of the effective action onto a set of equations for the n-point vertices of the theory. In our numerical analysis, the infrared limit, corresponding to the vanishing of the running momentum scale in the equations, is approached to obtain the physical values of the parameters by extrapolation. In the N=4 theory a non-perturbatively large value of the physical renormalization of the longitudinal component of the field is observed. The dependence of the field renormalization on the UV cut-off and on the bare coupling is also investigated.
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