Friday, June 1, 2012

1205.6798 (Prarit Agarwal et al.)

Refined Checks and Exact Dualities in Three Dimensions    [PDF]

Prarit Agarwal, Antonio Amariti, Massimo Siani
We discuss and provide nontrivial evidence for a large class of dualities in three-dimensional field theories with different gauge groups. We match the full partition functions of the dual phases for any value of the couplings to underpin our proposals. We focus on two classes of models. The first class, motivated by the AdS/CFT conjecture, consists of necklace U(N) quiver gauge theories with non chiral matter fields. We also consider orientifold projections and establish dualities among necklace quivers with alternating orthogonal and symplectic groups. The second class consists of theories with tensor matter fields with free theory duals. In most of these cases the R-symmetry mixes with IR accidental symmetries and we develop the prescription to include their contribution into the partition function and the extremization problem accordingly.
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