Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1102.4863 (Daniela D. Doneva et al.)

Solitons and Black Holes in a Generalized Skyrme Model with
Dilaton-Quarkonium field

Daniela D. Doneva, Ivan Zh. Stefanov, Stoytcho S. Yazadjiev
Skyrme theory is among the viable effective theories which emerge from low-energy limit of quantum chromodynamics. Many of its generalizations include also a dilaton. Here we find new self-gravitating solutions, both solitons and black holes, in a Generalized Skyrme Model (GSM) in which a dilaton is present. The investigation of the properties of the solutions is done numerically. We find that the introduction of the dilaton in the theory does not change the picture qualitatively, only quantitatively. The model considered here has one free parameter more than the Einstein-Skyrme model which comes from the potential of the dilaton. We have applied also the turning point method to establish that one of the black-hole branches of solutions is unstable. The turning point method here is based on the first law of black-hole thermodynamics a detailed derivation of which is given in the Appendix of the paper.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1102.4863

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