Monday, May 7, 2012

1205.0921 (Lj. Davidović et al.)

Nongeometric background arising in the solution of Neumann boundary

Lj. Davidović, B. Sazdović
We investigate the open string propagation in the weakly curved background with the Kalb-Ramond field containing an infinitesimal part, linear in coordinate. Solving the Neumann boundary conditions, we find the expression for the space-time coordinates in terms of the effective ones. So, the initial theory reduces to the effective one. This effective theory is defined on the nongeometric doubled space $(q^\mu,\tilde{q}_\mu)$, where $q^\mu$ is the effective coordinate and $\tilde{q}_\mu$ is its T-dual. The effective metric depends on the coordinate $q^\mu$ and there exists non-trivial effective Kalb-Ramond field which depends on the T-dual coordinate $\tilde{q}_\mu$. The fact that $\tilde{q}_\mu$ is $\Omega$-odd leads to the nonvanishing effective Kalb-Ramond field.
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