Thursday, April 5, 2012

1112.5660 (Tom Griffin et al.)

Conformal Lifshitz Gravity from Holography    [PDF]

Tom Griffin, Petr Horava, Charles M. Melby-Thompson
We show that holographic renormalization of relativistic gravity in asymptotically Lifshitz spacetimes naturally reproduces the structure of gravity with anisotropic scaling: The holographic counterterms induced near anisotropic infinity take the form of the action for gravity at a Lifshitz point, with the appropriate value of the dynamical critical exponent $z$. In the particular case of 3+1 bulk dimensions and $z=2$ asymptotic scaling near infinity, we find a logarithmic counterterm, related to anisotropic Weyl anomaly of the dual CFT, and show that this counterterm reproduces precisely the action of conformal gravity at a $z=2$ Lifshitz point in 2+1 dimensions, which enjoys anisotropic local Weyl invariance and satisfies the detailed balance condition. We explain how the detailed balance is a consequence of relations among holographic counterterms, and point out that a similar relation holds in the relativistic case of holography in $AdS_5$. Upon analytic continuation, analogous to the relativistic case studied recently by Maldacena, the action of conformal gravity at the $z=2$ Lifshitz point features in the ground-state wavefunction of a gravitational system with an interesting type of spatial anisotropy.
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