Monday, February 13, 2012

1112.0225 (Alexander Burinskii)

Gravity vs. Quantum theory: Is electron really pointlike?    [PDF]

Alexander Burinskii
The observable gravitational and electromagnetic parameters of an electron:
mass $m$, spin $J=\hbar/2$, charge $e$ and magnetic moment $ea = e\hbar /(2m)$
indicate unambiguously that the electron should had the Kerr-Newman background
geometry -- exact solution of the Einstein-Maxwell gravity for a charged and
rotating black hole. Contrary to the widespread opinion that gravity plays
essential role only on the Planck scales, the Kerr-Newman gravity displays a
new dimensional parameter $a =\hbar/(2m),$ which for parameters of an electron
corresponds to the Compton wavelength and turns out to be very far from the
Planck scale. Extremely large spin of the electron with respect to its mass
produces the Kerr geometry without horizon, which displays very essential
topological changes at the Compton distance resulting in a two-fold structure
of the electron background. The corresponding gravitational and electromagnetic
fields of the electron are concentrated near the Kerr ring, forming a sort of a
closed string, structure of which is close to the described by Sen heterotic
string. The indicated by Gravity stringlike structure of the electron
contradicts to the statements of Quantum theory that electron is pointlike and
structureless. However, it confirms the peculiar role of the Compton zone of
the "dressed" electron and matches with the known limit of the localization of
the Dirac electron. We discuss the relation of the Kerr string with the low
energy string theory and with the Dirac theory of electron and suggest that the
predicted by the Kerr-Newman gravity closed string in the core of the electron,
should be experimentally observable by the novel regime of the high energy
scattering -- the Deeply Virtual (or "nonforward")Compton Scattering".
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